Salt is an ingredient that needs to be used sparingly in infants and toddlers. Why? Their kidneys are not able to process higher quantities of the nutrient like adults can.
Salt can quickly add up especially when following the baby led weaning approach or if you rely on ready-made-snacks often (ME!). This guide will help you cut the salt but keep food preparation to a minimum.
How much salt is too much salt?
0-6 months
120 mg sodium
7-12 months
370 mg sodium
1-3 years
1000 mg sodium
What does 370 mg of sodium look like?
50 grams of cheese (about 2 thumb-size pieces) = 320 mg sodium
20 grams cheddar fish = 170 mg sodium
3 pre-made frozen meatballs = 370 mg
Here is a guide to lowering sodium everyday
Homemade food
Season at the end of cooking. Remove littles portion before seasoning. High salt seasonings include sauces, seasoning mixes like Montreal Steak spice, soy sauce, soup broth.
Canned goods
Rinse & drain beans, fish and vegetables in a pasta strainer.
Buy no sodium added canned tomatoes to mix in with high sodium canned soups and pasta sauce.
Replace half of creamy dips with plain yogurt.
Pickled vegetables
Rinse and drain. Let sit covered in water for 30 minutes. Drain.
Spend some time in the grocery aisle to compare labels. Choose lowest in salt while highest in fibre.
Restaurant meals
For saucy meals or meals topped with cheese, ask for sauce/cheese on the side.
Deep fried foods (includes chips)
Even if prepared at home from frozen, these are are high in salt.