Below I will provide suggestions on what non-perishable foods you can keep on hand should you need it for a family of four. I will also tell you how to prepare it to boost nutrition and to minimize salt and sugar that preserves canned goods. Even if you do not use these foods over the next few weeks, you will have foods on-hand and ideas on how to use them to put a meal together in a pinch when you didn't have time to do groceries. By no means do you need to buy everything in these infographics. A few items from each category is a good idea.

Heading into week 200 of self-isolation, we are left scrambling to figure out what groceries we really need to have on - hand to stay healthy and nourished during these uncertain times.
Scroll to the bottom to skip to the infographics.
As a dietitian, I have years of experience doing food planning for remote communities. I helped create emergency food plans which were implemented regularly for many reasons. Most often due to extreme weather conditions which closed down the community including flight travel into the community which is the only way to receive food. That’s right, no road access. I myself have been stuck for days, not being able to even go outside.
Hey, before you read on, I want to help you out as much as I can over the next few weeks. Check out the virtual sessions I am offering. They are meant to be informative and social.
Non Perishable Fruits and Vegetables

Dried fruit can be soaked overnight in the fridge to become plump and juicy.
Unsweetened fruit sauce can be a quick snack or added to baked goods or to a pancake mix.
Canned fruit is a soft and easy to eat option for infants. If you can only find it packed in syrup, rinse and drain.
Canned vegetables are also an easy option for infants. Rinse, drain, then let sit in some water to further remove sodium before serving.
Jarred beets are full of nutrients and are an easy side dish. They can also be drained and tossed into a salad.
Canned tomato sauce and diced tomatoes can be used to make pasta sauce or to make soup and chili.
Quantity needed for a family of four:
Don’t buy more than a few cans of each item and you only need a bag or two of dried fruit as they more than double in size once soaked.
1 WEEK COVID MEAL PLAN + RECIPES. Get a complete meal plan package to help you feed your family during these trying times. These are some of my tried and true, easy recipes. Click HEREto download the package.
Grain Products

Rice and noodles are staple for most families. Try to get whole grain options if available.
Whole wheat crackers are good for snacking on but can also be crushed up into meatballs, meatloaf or fish cakes using canned fish.
Having flour and baking powder on hand means you can make bannock (unleavened bread) or biscuits or other baked goods.
Breakfast options like oats and cereal are always good options to have on-hand. Overnight oats can be made with the dried fruit.
Quantity needed for a family of four
Don’t buy more than a few bags or boxes of each.
1 WEEK COVID MEAL PLAN + RECIPES. Get a complete meal plan package to help you feed your family during these trying times. These are some of my tried and true, easy recipes. Click HEREto download the package.
Non Perishable Milk and Alternatives

Canned milk is reconstituted 1:1. That means to prepare it, use 1 can of milk to 1 can of water. Each can is 354 mL which means per 1 can of milk you get almost 3 cups of prepared milk. Canned milk is fortified with Vitamin D. For babies under 2, buy full fat.
Skim milk powder is also an option. Follow the package directions on how to dilute it. It taste much better if you leave it in the fridge overnight. You can find skim milk powder in most stores and bulk barn has whole milk powder. If you cannot get used to the taste, put ¼ cup into baked good, pancakes and to make French toast.
UHT milk or tetra pack milk is also a great option. It does not have to be diluted. There are many plant-based options in the organics section of your grocery store. Make sure to check out my post on how to choose the healthiest ones.
Quantity needed for a family of four
With everyone at home, you need about 1.5 litres (about 6 cups) a day. Often UHT packs are about a litre in size.
1 WEEK COVID MEAL PLAN + RECIPES. Get a complete meal plan package to help you feed your family during these trying times. These are some of my tried and true, easy recipes. Click HEREto download the package.
Non Perishable Meat and Alternatives

Nuts, seeds in various forms provide tons of protein, healthy fats, fibre and protein.
Canned fish and meat are high in protein. Drain well to remove sodium. For a boost of Vitamin D and omega 3’s leave, mash canned salmon until smooth with the bones and skin.
Canned split pea soup is one of the only soups on the market with a little more fibre and protein.
Canned beans and lentils can always be added into a soup or a stew. Ensure to rinse well and drain.
Dried red lentils are one of the easiest ways to boost the iron content. Rinse well and add ¼ cup to just about any soup, stew or even pasta sauce. They also make a nutrient-packed puree for baby.
Dried beans last a very long time and are a good back up should you run out of canned beans.
Quantity needed for a family of four
Don’t buy more than a few cans of each item and you only need a bag of beans or lentils as they more than double in size when cooked.
1 WEEK COVID MEAL PLAN + RECIPES. Get a complete meal plan package to help you feed your family during these trying times. These are some of my tried and true, easy recipes. Click HEREto download the package.
Non Perishable Other Foods

Oil is needed for cooking. Not more than 1 jug is needed.
Spices and seasonings can jazz up your meals without having access to fresh herbs. Garlic powder and onion powder are a must when you do not have fresh on-hand.
Infant cereal but more importantly baby formula is needed. Calculate how much you need for 2 weeks and buy 3 weeks’ worth, if you can.
Cartons of broth can be used to make soups in case someone in your family becomes ill and required fluids. A few cartons will be more than enough.
Flavoured gelatine can be made to soothe sore throats and provide hydration.
Infant and child oral rehydration fluid (ORF) can be purchased if you have an infant. See my “Sick Day Foods” post for more information on how much to offer.
Here are some recipes that use non-perishable items ingredients
Check out the virtual sessions I am offering. They are informative but casual
Disclaimer: All the advice shared here is general information. Consult your doctor for personalized health information. Compiled March, 2020